Castello dei Rampolla - d'Alceo 2018

Rött vin från Toscana Italien

« Kraftfult vin från Toscanas svar Château Mouton Rotschild! Castello dei Rampolla odlar enligt ekologiska och biodynamiska principer, och det har gjort det i tre decennier. »

Per flaska: Per låda:
Antal flaskor per låda: 6
Antal flaskor
Distrikt Toscana
Druvor Cabernet Sauvignon
Årgång 2018
Procucenter Castello dei Rampolla
Artikelnr Castello dei Rampolla 116
Fraktkostnad 159:-
Avnjutes mellan 2025 - 2048



Poäng: 97/100

Här redovisar och presenterar vi kända vinskribenters utlåtande om specifika viner. Utöver dessa lägger vi in en egen kommentar när vi har provat samma vin.

Robert Parker Wine Advocate

The 2018 d'Alceo is mostly Cabernet Sauvignon (85%), with Petit Verdot (15%) in a supporting role. The wine reveals an inky dark appearance with dried blackberry, rum cake, succulent blackberry and syrupy kirsch. There is a good amount of fruit weight to carry the wine over the palate, but the quality of the fruit is superb; and the finish is finely textured and silky despite the robust aromas. It is powerful, yet weightless at the same time. That in itself is something of a small miracle. Fruit is sourced from across a six-hectare vineyard with south and southeast exposures. Production is 11,028 bottles and 100 magnums.

My absolute favorite wine of 2022 was a bottle of the Castello dei Rampolla 2006 d'Alceo that I had the good fortune to drink at dinner during a work event in Tuscany last year. I remember the wine vividly, and if I were to review it again, it would certainly merit a perfect score. With that profound inspiration in mind, I feel especially optimistic toward this outstanding group of new releases from Maurizia di Napoli and her talented team. This historic estate has farmed according to organic and biodynamic methods since 1994, making it one of the first in Italy to do so. In truth, I have found some inconsistencies along the way over the many years I have reviewed and adored these wines. Such is the magic of artisanal winemaking. But thanks to that memory of that 2006 d'Alceo, I remain in awe of Castello dei Rampolla today.

James Suckling

Lots of blackcurrant and blackberry aromas follow through to a full body with firm tannins and a chewy finish. Lots of black licorice, aniseed and light asphalt. Lead pencil, too. Try after 2025.


Luminous, rich ruby purple. Inky, sealing wax nose, then a mix of underbrush and black berries, iron, savouriness, opens on cherry juice and dried violets. The palate is gripping and with rich, layered tannin, tightens up on earthy tones, deep and intense, very individual, has a long life ahead of it.


Cabernet Sauvignon

D'Alceo ser kolsvart ut i glaset. Doften är extremt koncentrerad och komplex med tydligt definierade nyanser av svarta vinbär, grafit, cigarrlåda och mineraler. Smaken utvecklas, lager efter lager, och erbjuder en likörliknande koncentrerad bärfrukt. I eftersmaken kan du känna vinets perfekt mogna, fina tanniner och dess betydande mineralitet. Vinet smakar redan fantastiskt ungt, men dess lagringspotential är helt enkelt fenomenal.

Tasting note

The 2018 d'Alceo is mostly Cabernet Sauvignon (85%), with Petit Verdot (15%) in a supporting role. The wine reveals an inky dark appearance with dried blackberry, rum cake, succulent blackberry and syrupy kirsch. There is a good amount of fruit weight to carry the wine over the palate, but the quality of the fruit is superb; and the finish is finely textured and silky despite the robust aromas. It is powerful, yet weightless at the same time. That in itself is something of a small miracle. Fruit is sourced from across a six-hectare vineyard with south and southeast exposures. Production is 11,028 bottles and 100 magnums.

My absolute favorite wine of 2022 was a bottle of the Castello dei Rampolla 2006 d'Alceo that I had the good fortune to drink at dinner during a work event in Tuscany last year. I remember the wine vividly, and if I were to review it again, it would certainly merit a perfect score. With that profound inspiration in mind, I feel especially optimistic toward this outstanding group of new releases from Maurizia di Napoli and her talented team. This historic estate has farmed according to organic and biodynamic methods since 1994, making it one of the first in Italy to do so. In truth, I have found some inconsistencies along the way over the many years I have reviewed and adored these wines. Such is the magic of artisanal winemaking. But thanks to that memory of that 2006 d'Alceo, I remain in awe of Castello dei Rampolla today.


Robert Parker Wine Advocate

Castello dei Rampolla är en familjeägd vingård i Conca d'Oro-dalen i Chianti Classico-regionen i Toscana. Det är känt för sina supertoskanska viner, Sammarco och Vigna d'Alceo. Sammarco är kanske det mest kända märket och producerades första gången 1980, efter att tidiga årgångar av Sassicaia imponerade på Alceo di Napoli, Castello di Rampollas ägare. Sammarco är baserad på Cabernet Sauvignon med en liten andel Sangiovese och Merlot, och lagras i 12-15 månader på ekfat, och sedan...

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