De Toren Z 2016

Rött vin från Stellenbosch Sydafrika

De Toren wines are an expression of some of the world’s most ancient granite soils, originating from mother material dating back 540 million years. Thus, setting the stage for something truly exceptional.

Per flaska: Per låda:
Antal flaskor per låda: 6
Antal flaskor
Distrikt Stellenbosch
Druvor Cabernet Sauvignon , Merlot , Cabernet Franc , Petit Verdot , Malbec
Årgång 2016
Procucenter De Toren Wines - Private Cellar
Artikelnr DTZ2016
Fraktkostnad 159:-
Avnjutes mellan 2021 - 2027



Poäng: 93/100

Här redovisar och presenterar vi kända vinskribenters utlåtande om specifika viner. Utöver dessa lägger vi in en egen kommentar när vi har provat samma vin.

Wine Enthusiast

Tim Atkin

De Toren “Z” was created by design born of cool ocean facing vineyards high in clay content conditions intensely suited to the planting of Merlot. Affectionately called ‘Zee’, this approachable ruby-hued beauty takes its name from the cooling Zephyr breeze that air-conditions the ocean-fronting vineyard block of its origin, one in which are featured all of the ‘Noble Five’ Bordeaux varietals, with Merlot in dominance.

Vegan and Vegetarian Friendly


51% Merlot, 18% Cabernet Franc, 14% Malbec, 12% Cabernet Sauvignon, 5% Petit Verdot.

Tasting note

'This soft, approachable ruby-hued beauty is a true testament to vines lovingly reared and winemaking raised to an art form. A Right Bank-style Bordeaux blend, De Toren Z comprises a symphonic blend of five Bordeaux varietals. You’ll find it tantalizingly soft on the tongue, with a hint of aniseed, liquorice, raspberry and cranberries lending a fresh acidity to its polished finish… plus, of course, all the finesse that makes Bordeaux-style wines so prized among the world’s most enthusiastic wine lovers.'

This wine is a very versatile food pairing wine. It works equally well with very fine spicy foods as well as rich fish poultry and various meats.

De Toren Wines - Private Cellar De Toren - spelar bland världens elitviner sedan dess första årgång av Fusion V. Var och en av De Toren-vinerna är platsspecifika och återspeglar dess jord. DE TOREN FUSION V, som baseras på Cabernet Sauvignon, är tillverkad i Bordeaux-stilen 'left bank', och Merlot-drivna DE TOREN Z är tillverkad i Bordeaux-stilen 'right bank'.-År 1994 grundade Emil & Sonette Den Dulk boutiqu-vineroiet Private Cellar De Toren.  Platser för De Toren valdes...

This soft, approachable ruby-hued beauty is a true testament to vines lovingly reared and winemaking raised to an art form. A Right Bank-style Bordeaux blend, De Toren Z comprises a symphonic blend of five Bordeaux varietals. You’ll find it tantalizingly soft on the tongue, with a hint of aniseed, liquorice, raspberry and cranberries lending a fresh acidity to its polished finish… plus, of course, all the finesse that makes Bordeaux-style wines so prized among the world’s most enthusiastic wine lovers.

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