Rafael Palacios - Louro 2022

Vitt vin från Valdeorras Spanien

« Rafael Palacios började sitt personliga projekt 2004, i sub-zonen av Bibei Valley, kommun O Bolo, D.O. Valdeorras, genom att köpa gamla vinstockar av regionens druvsort Godello från gamla vinodlare. Den extrema orografin och lågavkastande fattiga jordarna, phylloxeran och depressionen på 1920-talet, hade tvingat odlarna att nästan helt lämna denna lilla men historiska vinodlingsregion Valdeorras åt sidan. »

Per flaska: Per låda:
Antal flaskor per låda: 6
Antal flaskor
Distrikt Valdeorras
Druvor Godello
Årgång 2022
Procucenter Rafael Palacios
Artikelnr Rafael Palacios 104
Fraktkostnad 159:-
Avnjutes mellan 2023 - 2030



Poäng: 93/100

Här redovisar och presenterar vi kända vinskribenters utlåtande om specifika viner. Utöver dessa lägger vi in en egen kommentar när vi har provat samma vin.

Guía Peñín

Robert Parker Wine Advocate

The 2022 Louro still feels a little reductive and has pungent balsamic notes of bay leaf. It was a very warm year with constant heat and very healthy grapes. It keeps the freshness but still feels the roundness of the year. Most of the grapes were picked before the rain they had in September. It's tasty with a salty twist in the finish. These wines benefit from time in bottle; this 2022 still feels too young and undeveloped to me.

I went back to visit Rafa Palacios in Valdeorras, which I had not done for a decade. He has expanded his winery, which now looks state of the art, and of course his vineyards, close to 40 hectares, even though he still buys grapes from local growers. In 2022, he processed 400,000 kilos of grapes. We went to the vineyards, did a good tasting and discussed the latest vintages. He's one of the finest white wine producers in Galicia and in Spain. 2021 was a cooler year, lighter wines with freshness, but even though 2022 was a warm year, the wines kept freshness that he cannot explain. As for 2023, it has been a very challenging year, with a heat wave that burnt some of the grapes, a long harvest after a turn of the weather with abundant rains that brought some challenges. In 2024, he will do his 20th harvest in Valdeorras and the 20th vintage of As Sortes. The wines have freshness and saline minerality that often transcend the vintage and even the variety, because of the high altitude of O Bolo and the decomposed sandy granite soils.


En blandning av Godello med en liten mängd Treixadura från paket som ligger i byarna Chandoiro, Lentellais, Outardepregos och Santa Cruz. Efter årtionden av konventionellt jordbruk har de ekologiska metoderna i Rafa börjat återuppliva jorden på dessa platser och Louro blir mer komplex för varje årgång. Louro jäses i fransk ekfoudres och lagras på sin jästfällning i fyra månader. Upp till 10 % av blandningen i Louro kommer att vara Treixadura, en sort som kan hittas samplanterad i Rafas sorter.
Organiska metoder - Handskördad, pneumatisk pressning, naturlig jästjäsning i foudre.

Tasting note

The 2022 Louro still feels a little reductive and has pungent balsamic notes of bay leaf. It was a very warm year with constant heat and very healthy grapes. It keeps the freshness but still feels the roundness of the year. Most of the grapes were picked before the rain they had in September. It's tasty with a salty twist in the finish. These wines benefit from time in bottle; this 2022 still feels too young and undeveloped to me.

I went back to visit Rafa Palacios in Valdeorras, which I had not done for a decade. He has expanded his winery, which now looks state of the art, and of course his vineyards, close to 40 hectares, even though he still buys grapes from local growers. In 2022, he processed 400,000 kilos of grapes. We went to the vineyards, did a good tasting and discussed the latest vintages. He's one of the finest white wine producers in Galicia and in Spain. 2021 was a cooler year, lighter wines with freshness, but even though 2022 was a warm year, the wines kept freshness that he cannot explain. As for 2023, it has been a very challenging year, with a heat wave that burnt some of the grapes, a long harvest after a turn of the weather with abundant rains that brought some challenges. In 2024, he will do his 20th harvest in Valdeorras and the 20th vintage of As Sortes. The wines have freshness and saline minerality that often transcend the vintage and even the variety, because of the high altitude of O Bolo and the decomposed sandy granite soils.


Robert Parker Wine Advocate

Rafael Palacios Rafael Palacios började sitt personliga projekt 2004, i sub-zonen av Bibei Valley, kommun O Bolo, D.O. Valdeorras, genom att köpa gamla vinstockar av regionens druvsort Godello från gamla vinodlare. Den extrema orografin och lågavkastande fattiga jordarna, phylloxeran och depressionen på 1920-talet, hade tvingat odlarna att nästan helt lämna denna lilla men historiska vinodlingsregion Valdeorras åt sidan. Dessa små odlingar, som huvudsakligen odlas i terrasser, är kända som "Sorte" i Galiciska, ärvdes av dessa...

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